
Follow Me – Jesus Christ

Follow Me - Jesus Christ

Nowadays, “FOLLOW ME” is associated with Twitter.

People follow other people, especially those whom they “idolize” and look for updates on the life of that person.

Sadly, not many are maybe following Jesus Christ in the same way – no one is looking towards what he wants to do in our lives. It always seems that we want our will imposed upon God.

When the rich young ruler came to Jesus Christ to ask the Good Master what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus Christ immediately refuted why do you call me “good”?

He knew that the young man had different intentions in approaching him.

Jesus then went on to mention the law of Moses and that this should be obeyed. The young man said he had done so since the time of his youth.

But when Jesus Christ told him that there was one more thing he lacked and it involved selling his possessions and giving them to the poor and follow him, the man was grieved. He had a hard time parting from him riches (he was very rich).

We see here that obedience to the law is not the answer to gain eternal life.

To gain eternal life is to OBEY/ FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST.

When the four fishermen were called by Jesus Christ and invited to become “fishers of men” – they immediately left their boat, their nets, their family to follow Jesus Christ.

When Levi was called by Jesus Christ to follow him, he left the money he collected, his booth and followed Jesus Christ.

What made it difficult for the rich young ruler to obey? Why was it easier for the disciples?

In one situation we see Jesus Christ approaching and inviting people, in the other, one man boldly asks how to inherit eternal life – there was no invitation.

It should be clear though that with or without an invitation, there is only one way to gain eternal life. According to Jesus Christ – “FOLLOW ME”.

With all the people we “follow” in twitter (note: I do not have a twitter account), who among them can offer what Jesus Christ can?

By Aaron Guerrero

Born-again Christian, Family man, dedicated employee, loves reading and writing, enjoys music and movies, fascinated by leadership and management, the Holy Bible

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